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Baby vertebrates--from primates to puppies and geese to geckos--often look quite different from adults, if only because they have different body proportions. In humans, for example, the ratio of head height to body height is about 1:6, while in neonates the ratio is 1:4; this gives the baby human--or that just-hatched lizard--a big-headed look that may evoke an instinctive paternal response. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center While still in the nest, baby birds typically have very brightly colored bill and throat linings. As a chick opens its mouth to vocalize or beg, the parent bird sees a flash of orange, red, or yellow--a "target zone" that shows where to stuff the next juicy grub or worm. In many altricial species--as in the Eastern Tufted Titmouse above--fledglings temporarily retain colored target zones that change to gray or white or even black as the youngster matures. (Note also the backward-facing barbs in the rear of the titmouse's throat, an adaptation that apparently keeps live insects from crawling back out.) All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center The bright color of a nestling's mouth lining typically extends to the edge of the bill and to the juncture of the upper and lower mandibles--an area known as the "gape." In young birds the gape is very soft and noticeable but in a fledgling it begins to harden somewhat, become less prominent, and--like the bill itself--darken with age. (In some bird species--Purple Finches, for example--the adult retains a yellow gape, albeit smaller and less obvious.) Some birds exhibit remarkable change in bill color, as in Northern Cardinals. Fledglings such as the unsexed cardinal above have very dark bills that eventually become bright orange as the youngster begins to forage on seeds and berries containing carotene it lays down in the bill sheath. The titmouse and cardinal above and young House Finch below also illustrate another common characteristic of nestlings/recent fledglings--a sort of "natal plume" that consists of one or more wispy feathers that sprout from head or nape. To us, such plumes--especially noticeable in older nestlings--look really out of place in a fledgling. These non-essential feathers typically break off or fall out within a week or so after a bird leaves its nest, so their presence is a fairly precise indicator of a youngster's age. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center The House Finch photo above reveals another common characteristic of fledglings: The contour (body) feathers are loosely structured and give the young bird a disheveled look. It's not that fledglings haven't yet learned how to preen but that their first feathers have poorly formed vanes and barbs and barbules. Thus, young birds often do not have the sleek and smooth appearance of the adult--a characteristic that may continue for several months or more until the fledgling gets its first full set of "adult" feathers. (Herein we use the word "adult" rather flexibly to mean a bird older than a recent fledgling.) All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center Sometimes those loosely structured juvenile feathers have entirely different markings than the bird will have as an adult, as in the young Carolina Wren above. In this species, the crissum-- All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center Although it's not a songbird, a recently fledged Downy Woodpecker also has different plumage than it will show as an adult--at least as far as head feathers are concerned. Show the photo above to many birders and they will tell you it depicts a male downy because there's a red spot on the head. Unfortunately, that logic is incorrect. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center We didn't catch any fledgling Ruby-throated Hummingbirds this week, but we'll still take this opportunity to mention the ruby-throat is another non-songbird in which juvenile males do NOT look like adult males (right). For an extreme example of a young bird whose plumage (and eye color) is very different from that of its parents, take a gander at the photo above. We suspect this fledgling looks so unlike the adult many birders will not immediately recognize its species. (As an aside, note the tooth-like projection on the lower mandible, apparently a structure that makes quick work of big seeds--or hard-bodied beetles.) After you think you know what the species and sex of this bird might be--or if you simply give up before accepting our challenge to check every single page in your field guide to figure it out--click on the image above to open a new window in your browser. (REWARD: Give yourself a pat on the binoculars if you were able identify this mystery fledgling right off, and TWO pats if you made the effort to look through your guide to make the ID.) All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center And speaking of eye color, that truly IS a characteristic that differs significantly between fledglings and adults. Many fledglings have what we call "muddy" eyes in which irises are dull and not very sparkly. As the eye matures, the crystalline make-up of the iris changes, muddiness clears, and color generally deepens. In some cases, however, there is a drastic and quite noticeable change in eye color, as when the gray-eyed fledgling Brown Thrasher (above) acquires brilliant yellow irises as an adult (right). All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center The last fledgling on our list this week is one that looks COMPLETELY different from its parents. In fact, even when this fledgling matures and becomes an adult it STILL won't look like its parents--or at least like its step-parents. That's because the youngster above is a fledgling Brown-headed Cowbird, a so-called social parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center
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SPECIES BANDED THIS WEEK: * = New species for 2009 WEEKLY BANDING TOTAL 13 species 42 individuals YEARLY BANDING TOTAL (2009) 32 species 1,029 individuals 28-YEAR BANDING GRAND TOTAL (since 28 June 1982, during which time 170 species have been observed on or over the property) 124 species 52,911 individuals NOTABLE RECAPTURES THIS WEEK (with original banding date, sex, and current age) Ruby-throated Hummingbird (2) Carolina Wren (1) House Finch (1) Eastern Towhee (1)
OTHER NATURE NOTES OF INTEREST --The first orange blossoms on the Center's Trumpet Creeper vines appeared this week, a few days later than normal but still in plenty of time for the earliest fledgling hummers to take full advantage of the flowers' heavy nectar load. --Above-average rains continued at the Center, bringing the weekly total to 5.25," with 12.5" for the past fortnight. That's a LOT of rain--so much that it may be drowning the mosquitoes. (We can only hope!) Hilton Pond is overflowing at the spillway and things look really, really green--a welcome change from the ultra-dry Junes we've had more often than not in the past decade or two. --One way we can tell when you've had a lot of rain at Hilton Pond Center is when the Sunflower seeds in the feeder trays start to sprout in less than 48 hours. --To view our archived essay on Brown-headed Cowbirds (mentioned above), see Black Vagabond.
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