All photos © Hilton Pond Center

Swainson's Warbler
(click on photo for larger image)

Swamp Sparrow
(gray face, rusty crown & shoulder)

Eastern Bluebird (male)
(cavity-nesting thrush species)

Downy Woodpecker (male)
(females don't have have a red topknot)

Wood Thrush
(largest of our spot-breasted thrushes)

Blue Jay
(both sexes look alike)

Blue Grosbeak
(rusty shoulder & massive two-tone bill)

(a spot-breasted thrush with no eye-ring)

House Wren
(one of our more melodious singers)

Scarlet Tanager (male)
( . . . and this is as good as it gets!)
Plus the following species not pictured (or pictured on other weekly pages):
American Redstart
Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Indigo Bunting
Northern Waterthrush
Red-eyed Vireo
Gray Catbird
Northern Cardinal
Swainson's Thrush
Carolina Wren
White-throated Sparrow (late!)
Brown Thrasher
American Robin
Common Grackle
Mourning Dove
All photos © Hilton Pond Center
This Week at Hilton Pond
is part of the
