THIS WEEK at HILTON POND Installment #---Visitor # (Back to Preceding Week; on to Next Week) |
GRAPEFERNS & RATTLESNAKE FERNS The property now occupied by Hilton Pond Center was a working farm for nearly a century, and perhaps longer. As is typical in the Carolina Piedmont, the land was cultivated in corn and cotton and other row crops, and later grazed by cattle--practices that eliminated many native herbaceous plants. Additionally, humus and topsoil were depleted by overfarming and erosion, so there are few woodland wildflowers at the Center--and even fewer species of ferns.
Grapeferns at Hilton Pond Center do not compete well against other ground cover, and on-going mechanical removal of invasive Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) seems to have enhanced their chances. They are doing best in shaded microhabitats with decomposing leaf litter and somewhat acidic soil. Because new grapeferns are sprouting a few yards away from established colonies, they likely are propagating by spores; at the same time, the rootstocks of established colonies are putting up additional vegetative fronds that make the colonies more dense (below).
Like its related species (e.g., Common Grapefern, B. dissectum), Southern Grapefern is difficult to cultivate, apparently because of a mycorrhizal soil fungus that is a required symbiote in its rootstock. Transplanted grapeferns almost always become increasingly smaller and die within three years. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center |
(male has red on crown & forehead) |
(lacks an eye-ring) |
The following species were banded this week (some are pictured above or on other weekly pages): Ruby-throated Hummingbird--8 Weekly Total--22 |
All photos © Hilton Pond Center |
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