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A WEST VIRGINIA NATURE FESTIVAL In my continuing effort to catch up on posting "This Week at Hilton Pond" AND to maintain continuity in reporting phenological happenings at Hilton Pond Center, I offer the following installment covering the first few days of May 2013. Some entries appeared in some form on the Center's Facebook page while others--and several images--are new. Happy Nature Watching! BILL HILTON JR.
All text, maps, charts & photos © Hilton Pond Center 29 April-2 May Late afternoon on 28 April, Ernesto Carman Jr.--my long-time Costa Rica guide, collaborator, and friend--and I loaded net poles, banding equipment, binoculars, and personal gear into Hilton Pond Center's full-sized Ford Econoline van and headed north, with Susan Hilton as navigator. Our specific destination was Opossum Creek Retreat in Fayette County, home of the New River Birding & Nature Festival. I've been involved with this outstanding annual event since its inception in 2003, leading banding workshops and field trips for 100-plus participants from across North America. Bird Watcher's Digest calls the New River festival one of the top birding events in the country and--in fact--BWD editor Bill Thompson III and his wife Julie Zickefoose attend and make presentations each year. In addition to co-leading field trips for the Festival, 'Nesto also was in the U.S. for some intensive training in the art and science of banding birds. All text, maps, charts & photos © Hilton Pond Center As further evidence of the overall quality of the event, 'Nesto remarked the New River Birding & Nature Festival had been the most exciting week of his life--in part because he got to observe Cerulean Warblers (above) he studies along their migratory path in his home country of Costa Rica. (For more info about the New River Birding & Nature Festival and other nature-related events in West Virginia, please see www.birding-wv.com.) After Thursday morning's field trips and my own popcorn lecture about hummingbird research in the Neotropics, Susan, 'Nesto, and I boarded the van and headed back south toward Hilton Pond. The Festival was due to go on for two more days, but we had another engagement to get ready for back in South Carolina. All text, maps, charts & photos © Hilton Pond Center 3 May Ernesto Carman Jr. got up early on 3 May, drank some Café Cristina light roast he brought with him from home, and set two sunflower seed traps that snared only a couple of female American Goldfinches (above)--each already showing her bright spring plumage. We were on a tight schedule, however, requiring us to quit banding by mid-morning at Hilton Pond for a van trip to Newberry College, 4 May We all arose on the morning of 4 May a bit more excited than usual, for it was the events of this day that actually brought us to Newberry. I was deeply honored by the invitation to speak and even more so by the school's wish to award me the Doctor of Science degree (D.Sci.). I beg the indulgence of followers of "This Week at Hilton Pond" in allowing me to share my personally rewarding news with you in this current installment. College president Dr. Maurice Scherrens accepted the following citation and conferred the honorary degree as Dr. Wayne Kannaday (faculty marshall, above right) and Hap Pearce (chair of the College's board of trustees) bestowed my doctoral hood: In recognition for service to his alma mater, Newberry College is pleased to confer upon After the awarding of the honorary degree, vice president of academic affairs Dr. Tim Elston made the following introduction:
All text, maps, charts & photos © Hilton Pond Center In addressing the Newberry College Class of 2013 I wanted to avoid commencement clichés, make my comments personal and Newberry-related, and include a few appropriate references to natural history. After many weeks of pondering the speech, my topic evolved as Luck, Destiny, and Serendipity: Confessions of a Frisbee Fanatic. I'm happy (and relieved) to say it was well-received. To read the thoughts I shared with the graduating seniors and their guests, please see Newberry College Commencement Address, May 2013. All text, maps, charts & photos © Hilton Pond Center All contributions are tax-deductible on your |
"This Week at Hilton Pond" is written and photographed by Bill Hilton Jr., executive director of Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
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SPECIES BANDED THIS PERIOD: * = New species for 2013 PERIOD BANDING TOTAL: 1 species 2 individuals 2013 BANDING TOTAL: 32-YEAR BANDING GRAND TOTAL: (since 28 June 1982, during which time 171 species have been observed on or over the property) 126 species 58,924 individuals NOTABLE RECAPTURES THIS WEEK: Hiouse Finch (1)
All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center
OTHER NATURE NOTES: --The Center's Yearly Yard List 2013 of birds seen on or over the property stands at 38 species as of 4 May. --Last week's photo essay was about local nature happenings during the second half of April 2013. It's archived and always available on the Hilton Pond Center Web site as Installment #569. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center |
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