15-21 June 2004
Installment #227---Visitor #
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APRIL SHOWERS MAY BRING FLOWERS, It's fulfilling to remember names of many plants and animals that occur at Hilton Pond Center, but the number of local organisms we CAN'T identify far exceeds those we can. Sometimes its just nice to sit back and enjoy looking at things without worrying about taxonomy, and that's the approach we tend to take when it comes to fungi--especially since some can't be positively identified without a microscope or chemical tests. Sure, we've given mushroom identification a shot, but we're honestly bewildered at the tremendous individual variation within a given fungal species--and we'd certainly never trust our skills enough to choose a wild mushroom to eat. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center Considering the massive crop of fungi springing up around Hilton Pond, pleading benign ignorance about identifying mushrooms seems acceptable--even if it does sound like a cop-out. For this week, we've decided to just display photos of diverse, intriguing, and unnamed fungi that have appeared along the trails, undoubtedly as a result of three-inches-plus of precipitation we've had so far in June. Should you wish to send an E-mail with a common or scientific name for any of the fungi herein, please feel free; if our field guides agree, we'll add the species to our slowly growing--but not mushrooming--Checklist of Fungi at Hilton Pond. One thing we were reminded of this week as we sought out fungi: It's almost impossible to take decent photos of mushrooms without getting wet and muddy--especially after several consecutive days of rain. About the only way to fully appreciate most fungi is to get down to their level and eyeball them through a camera lens, which means lying flat with either tripod or elbows in the dirt. A beach towel is a permanent part of our photography gear, and we simply spread it out and plop down close to the fungus. Water from the wet ground soaks through, but at least the towel keeps our Operation RubyThroat T-shirts clean. (We suppose we could stay dryer by using plastic tarps, but they rustle and make too much noise while we're meditating with the mushrooms.) We also carry a can of insect repellent on our picture-taking jaunts to the woods; otherwise, lying still on the substrate in damp habitats makes the photographer easy pickings for every mosquito within buzzing distance. Although there are many variations on the theme, typical mushrooms have several above-ground parts in common. The pileus (cap) can be concave, convex, flat, pointed, or even wavy. Beneath it are either randomly distributed pores, or paper-thin gills that radiate from the cap's center; either of these bear microscopic structures that produce the mushroom's spores.
As amazing as they are, ephemeral mushrooms are still just the reproductive apparatus for otherwise furtive fungi. For much of the year, the fungus remains hidden in the soil or--in some species--within a live tree or fallen log. It exists as a mycelium, a root-like structure that goes about its business either decomposing dead organic matter or parasitizing a living host. Only when conditions are right--typically wet weather that would help disperse spores--does the more obvious and familiar mushroom appear. Many fungi, of course, look nothing like a traditional "mushroom" or "toadstool." In particular are those that have finger-like fruiting bodies (below right) rather than stipe and cap. There are also fungi that grow horizontally like shelves or brackets on the sides of trees. And many mature fungi are microscopic or so barely macroscopic that they're not likely to be encountered on a leisurely walk in the woods.
Flies aren't the only things we've seen dining on a fungus at Hilton Pond Center. In fact, so many organisms eat wild fungi that in our woods it's often hard to find a "perfect" mushroom--one that's unblemished by tooth marks from Eastern Chipmunks, White-footed Mice, or Eastern Gray Squirrels. Eastern Box Turtles also have a penchant for fungi; we frequently encounter one of these shelled reptiles along our trails while it's tearing into (albeit slowly) a mushroom--and with what appears to be a somewhat satiated look on its scaly little face. Another animal group that munches down on mushrooms is the Pleasing Fungus Beetles, tiny insects that vary from 1/16" to 3/8" in length. Although brightly patterned--usually black with red, orange, or yellow highlights--these beetles are seldom seen except by inveterate mushroom or insect enthusiasts--especially since they often hide between gills beneath the mushroom cap. Each beetle species is believed to feed on a particular fungal genus; these insects have very fast life cycles that correspond with the short lives of specific mushrooms.
And so, that's it for "This Week at Hilton Pond," where--thanks to a relative abundance of rainfall and high humidity--we were able to find all these magnificent mushrooms (or phenomenal fungi) on just ONE mid-June afternoon. It matters not that they all remain anonymous--to us.
All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center
NOTE: Last week's poll, which focused on whether folks most liked available light or flash as a lighting source for our Flower Spider photos, has since the start been running 3:2 in favor of the former. We personally prefer natural lighting ourselves, which is what we used to take all of this week's fungus photos--even though the days have mostly been overcast. Comments or questions about this week's installment? NOTE: Be sure to scroll down for an account of all birds banded or recaptured during the week, as well as some other interesting nature notes. "This Week at Hilton Pond" is written & photographed You may wish to consult our Index of all nature topics covered since February 2000. You can also use the on-line Search Engine at the bottom of this page. For a free, non-fattening, on-line subscription to "This Week at Hilton Pond," just send us an E-mail with SUBSCRIBE in the Subject line. Please be sure to configure your spam filter to accept E-mails from hiltonpond.org.
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Ruby-throated Hummingbird SPECIES BANDED THIS WEEK: * = New species for 2004 WEEKLY BANDING TOTAL
OTHER SIGHTINGS OF INTEREST --21 June also brought the first sounds of Dog-day Cicadas (above) at the Center. Unlike the more famous Brood X of red-eyed Periodic Cicadas--none of which made it as far as York SC during this much-anticipated emergence year--Dog-day Cicadas are annual occurrences at Hilton Pond. We'll be hearing their buzzing on a regular basis from now through August.
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