8-14 February 2005
Installment #257---Visitor #
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GREAT BLUE (LOOKS GRAY) HERON One of the nice things about Hilton Pond is that it's big enough to attract the attention of waterfowl and many other birds that frequent aquatic habitats. At various times during the year we get everything from Canada Geese to Wood Ducks, Belted Kingfishers to Louisiana Waterthrushes, Pied-billed Grebes to Spotted Sandpipers. We've even hosted numerous species of wading birds, including juvenile Great Egrets and Little Blue Herons that show up during post-breeding dispersal. Cattle Egrets, Tricolored Herons, and White Ibises have been spotted on the property or overhead, and we're privileged to have one or two breeding Green Heron pairs each summer. One of the most common waders, however, seldom shows up until winter, when we're always delighted to see a long-legged, long-necked, long-winged bird gliding along the surface of Hilton Pond before it gracefully settles down on a muddy bank or--as happened this week--on top of a Wood Duck box. The big bird in question is a lanky grayish one that goes by name of Great Blue Heron. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center Indeed, to the distant observer Great Blue Herons don't look blue at all, but a close view reveals they sport all sorts of other colors: Orange bill, yellow iris, white head with black plumes, cinnamon thighs, black-streaked fore-neck, buffy hind-neck, black legs and feet, and--of course--a blue-gray body and wings with a hint of metallic sheen. A white morph--the so-called "Great White Heron"--occurs in saltwater habitats in south Florida.
Great Blue Herons are just as at home on saltwater mud flats as they are at freshwater spots like Hilton Pond. Here they dine on small fishes, frogs, snakes, crayfish, and large insects, while in marine environments they seek out crabs and shrimp. In any habitat they occasionally take nestling birds and small mammals--from mice and shrews to half-grown Muskrats. Although we suspect there may be a heronry not far from Hilton Pond--perhaps on the Broad River 15 miles west of here or along a Catawba River impoundment less than 15 miles to our east--we seldom spot Great Blue Herons during the breeding season. Instead, we most often see their dark profiles silhouetted against the drab winter waters of Hilton Pond. Perhaps if these February birds are not local they have wandered inland from the Carolina Lowcountry and soon will be winging their way back to breeding grounds along the coast. Great Blue Heron nests--which can be found by the dozens and even hundreds in established heronries--are usually platforms of sticks so loosely stacked that it's often possible to see eggs from beneath. Great Blue Herons, Ardea herodias, have one of the widest distributions of any New World bird. They breed across Mexico and the U.S., except for mountain ridges and desert areas. In winter they range as far south as Central America and northwestern South America before returning north to nest. Incidentally, the real Gray (Grey) Heron, Ardea cinerea, is found in Europe, Asia, and Africa and is even grayer than our native Great Blue Heron. Our most intimate contact with a Great Blue Heron came a few years ago when one was reported walking--not flying--through several waterfront yards along the backwaters of Lake Wylie near Belmont NC. Tall as it was, the free-flying Great Blue Heron we encountered this week at Hilton Pond apparently wanted an even better view and chose to stand on a Wood Duck box for a couple of hours-- allowing us ample opportunity to admire and capture its regal midwinter profile with our telephoto lens.
All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center
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American Goldfinch (3) The American Goldfinch at the top of the above list is the one of the two oldest on record at Hilton Pond; amazingly, another of the same age (banded as an after second year male on 01/23/99) was re-trapped just last week. The federal Bird Banding Lab lists the age record for this species as 10 years, 5 months. Dark-eyed Junco (1) Chipping Sparrow (2) VAGRANT HUMMINGBIRDS
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