22-28 February 2005
Installment #259---Visitor #
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TRYING FOR PURPLE MARTINS During our 23-plus years at Hilton Pond Center, we've found nests for 24 bird species; for another 39 we've captured and banded females with active or recent incubation patches that imply breeding on-site or nearby. Several nesting species have taken advantage of artificial cavities--i.e., nest boxes we've erected on trees, poles, and fence posts. Of these, Wood Duck hens annually lay eggs and fledge young from large boxes along the edge of Hilton Pond, while Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, Brown-headed Nuthatches, House Wrens, Carolina Wrens, and Eastern Bluebirds have used boxes actually intended for the latter. With the loss of natural habitats and old trees, cavity nesters everywhere have it tough these days, so we do what we can to erect as many nest boxes as possible. One cavity-nesting bird we've always coveted but never accommodated is the Purple Martin, so in 2005 we decided to go all-out in trying to attract this aerobatic insect-eater. At long last and with some effort, we finally erected a Purple Martin high-rise on the pier at Hilton Pond. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center The Purple Martin is one of those birds that has almost mythic status among backyard bird enthusiasts. Each year, hundreds of thousands--maybe millions--of North American bird lovers put little white duplexes and hollowed-out gourds on the tops of tall poles in the hope of enticing martins to take up residence. Purple Martins, Progne subis, are the largest North American members of the Swallow Family (Hirundinidae), reaching 7" from tip of bill to end of tail. The eastern subspecies breeds in Cuba and across the eastern U.S. to the Rocky Mountains and throughout southern Canada as far west as British Columbia (see map at page bottom). A western counterpart is restricted primarily to the Pacific Coast from Vancouver to Baja California and into western Mexico. All these birds depart in early autumn and overwinter in South America. This penchant for "unnatural" cavities was well known to Native Americans, who grew gourds and hung them around their villages and agricultural fields. Nesting near humans could have become "fixed behavior" in eastern martins because nests near Indian settlements were likely more successful when potential predators didn't wander into villages to take martin eggs or chicks. Purple Martins returned the favor for indigenous people, reportedly chasing crows away from plots of corn and eating insects that might devour the crop. Indeed, Purple Martins are prodigious eaters of flying arthropods--a behavior noted by early European immigrants who expanded the Indian tradition by putting up wooden houses and both clay and natural gourds. All these martins undoubtedly impacted on Colonial insect populations, primarily ants, bees, dragonflies, moths, butterflies, flies, beetles, and stink bugs. For decades Purple Martin "authorities" spread the word that an individual martin would eat up to 2,000 mosquitoes per day (see sign above right), but fecal analysis shows this is far from true; martins may eat a few, but they almost always go for bigger prey and leave the 'skeeters for bats and dragonflies to consume. In other words, despite the urban myth Purple Martins do NOT consume significant numbers of mosquitoes and shouldn't be looked to as a biological control for West Nile Virus. There's no doubt that Purple Martins are highly social creatures, nesting in dense colonies and roosting by the dozens on power lines. Purple Martins like open areas, so the Center is not an ideal location. When we moved here 23 years ago, the property was old fields and that has tuned into young woodland. In 1982 there was even a ramshackle martin house on a pole in a grassy plot across the pond. We have no way of knowing whether this structure had ever been used, but if is was then perhaps there's still some "genetic memory" in some Purple Martin scouts that might steer them toward new gourds we put up this week. Those we erected were "Big Bo Gourds," white plastic containers graciously donated to Hilton Pond Center two years ago by S&K Manufacturing in O'Fallon MO but that we didn't ever find time to put up. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center So that's our strategy. We hammered a 2" iron pipe into the pond bottom and attached it to one of the pilings that holds up the Hilton Pond pier. Then we clamped the bottom section of S&K's triangular aluminum pole to the pipe, all of which provided a very stable support. After affixing 12 gourds to a special pole-topping rack and sliding a predator guard into place, we extended the other three sections of the pole vertically. Now the gourds stand 15 feet above the pier--ready for those martin scouts to scope out. The Big Bo Gourds are well-made of high-density polyethylene, but we wish ours were of S&K's new design with a screw-off cap on the back--an innovation that would make it much easier to access a nest to band any chicks that might be produced. The first Purple Martins of 2005 were reported from the Carolinas during early February--right on time according to typical arrival dates on the spring migration map (below left)-- All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center All contributions are tax-deductible Comments or questions about this week's installment? NOTE: Be sure to scroll down for an account of all birds banded or recaptured during the week, as well as some other interesting nature notes. "This Week at Hilton Pond" is written & photographed You may wish to consult our Index of all nature topics covered since February 2000. You can also use the on-line Search Engine at the bottom of this page. 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