POKE SALLET? For the past few weeks, the bird banding venue at Hilton Pond Center has been decorated with all colors of the spectrum. To name a few, we've captured a trio of yellow- breasted Magnolia Warblers, a Summer Tanager with crimson plumage, and an adult male American Redstart with sharply contrasting black and orange feathers. Indeed, many of the larger birds we've captured--and especially a slew of Swainson's Thrushes--have anointed our digits with royal color as they shared their favorite food with us. Seems that lots of migrant birds are attracted to the succulent black berries of the local Pokeweed crop, and the purple pigment passes right through our avian friends to stain our skin and garments. Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana, is a rambunctious native plant with a reputation for loosening up the gastrointestinal tracts of organisms other than birds--including pigs, pets, and people. In spring, fresh and tender Pokeweed leaves can be picked and prepared as "poke sallet," the latter word being an Old English term for "cooked greens"--as opposed to a "salad" that is uncooked. Woe be the person, however, who mixes toxic Pokeweed root fibers with the green leaves or fails to boil the shoots long enough to drive out all the acids and alkaloids. Individual Pokeweed flowers are small and dainty, growing in plume-like "racemes." The quarter-inch blossom is unusual in that it lacks petals but has four or five white or greenish sepals--the structures that cover a flower bud before it opens. Soon after pollination--which apparently can be facilitated by ants (below right)--the shiny, green, and globular Pokeweed ovary begins to ripen into the more familiar purplish-black berry.
If you've got Pokeweed growing in your neighborhood, you've probably noticed that your sidewalk, swimming pool, or car roof frequently becomes the target of aerial Pokeweed assault. From August through mid-October, the back deck on the old farmhouse at Hilton Pond Center acquires a purple polka-dotted appearance, thanks to the bombardier birds with a full payload of Pokeweed berries. It's times like this that we're reminded of the old line, "Birdie, birdie, in the sky, gee I'm glad that cows don't fly." All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center
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