8-14 October 2005
Installment #289---Visitor #
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AUDUBON'S "EXTRA" WARBLER Within the world of birding exists a semi-competitive sport known as "listing," in which individual birders try to see how many different species they can sight and add to their list(s). Most birders keep "life lists" (all the species they've ever seen), "year lists" (for species seen in a particular 12-month period), and "country, state, or county lists" (species encountered in a specific geographic entity). There are all sorts of variations on the theme--we personally have lists of all the birds we've ever photographed or banded--and most birders have "yard lists" for species seen close to home. All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center We were reminded of Audubon's list loss this week when a rather nondescript warbler hit our nets and we brought it in for banding. In Audubon's words--and as rendered in his Elephant Folio painting (above left)-- At about the same time Audubon observed this migratory Pine Swamp Warbler, he collected another that was much more colorful and whose name was far more descriptive: In one of the first recorded faux pas of North American ornithology, the continent's two foremost bird painters of the 19th century--Audubon and his predecessor, Alexander Wilson--failed to realize the so-called Pine Swamp Warbler was actually a female (or perhaps juvenile) Black-throated Blue Warbler. In defense of Wilson and Audubon, sexual dimorphism in the black-throated blue is extensive; not many of our North American species show such dramatic external differences. Other than size and shape, about the only obvious field mark the sexes have in common is a white spot at the base of their outermost primary wing feathers. The spot is large and always present in males and usually shows to some degree in the female (above and below), but this common characteristic didn't seem to click with the two pioneering ornithologists. True to his ego, Audubon blamed his own mistake on others who incorrectly classified the female black-throated blue as Sylvia pusilla. In Audubon's words: "The birds represented in Plate 148 of my large edition [the Elephant Folio of Birds of North America] as Sylvia sphagnosa are the young of the Black-throated Blue Warbler, the female of which resembles them so much that I looked upon it as of a species distinct from the male [below]. I have no doubt that this error originated with Wilson, who has been followed by all our writers. Now, however, the Sylvia or Sylvia sphagnosa of Bonaparte [another early ornithologist], which he altered from Wilson's S. pusilla, must be erased from our Fauna." Scratch one species from Audubon's life list. At Hilton Pond Center we have captured migrant Black-throated Blue Warblers from 24 April to 1 June in spring migration, and from 1 September through 26 October in autumn--typical dates for the South Carolina Piedmont. The species is sixth in abundance on the Center's list of Parulids; we've banded 147 since 1982--enough to keep us from repeating the identification mistake of Wilson and Audubon. Thanks to modern field guides, birders are no longer misled by the significant differences between male and female Black-throated Blue Warblers like those we catch and band at Hilton Pond Center. Now classified as Dendroica caerulescens, this once-confusing bird counts only once on anyone's list, so John James Audubon's "Pine Swamp Warbler" is just an "extra" species that--after painting an "unnecessary" plate for his Elephant Folio--he correctly chose to delete from his lifetime tally.
All text & photos © Hilton Pond Center
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OTHER SIGHTINGS OF INTEREST --The first half of October is historically our best period of the fall for banding Neotropical migrants around Hilton Pond, but last week's rain from Tropical Storm Tammy and heavily overcast skies several days this week simply weren't conducive to good "fallouts" of birds tired from a long night of flying. The next time we see many species of Wood Warblers will be next spring.
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