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(Click on highlighted titles below to access selected publications posted on the
Hilton Pond Center's Web site)

(updated 09/12/09)

-- Hilton Jr., B. 2009. Broad-billed Hummingbird, Cynanthus latirostris: First South Carolina banding and photographic record. Submitted to Chat.
Hilton Jr., B. 2009. Confirming fall migration routes for South Carolina Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Archilochus colubris. North American Bird Bander 34(2):41-45.
Hilton Jr., B. and E. Carman Jr. 2009. An on-going study of Ruby-throated Hummingbrds, Archilochus colubris, on non-breeding grounds in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Abstracted in: Program and Abstracts, Wilson Ornith. Soc. and Assoc. Field Ornith. Joint Meeting--2009, paper 53.
Hilton Jr., B. and E. Carman Jr. 2008. Un estudio en curso sobre el colibri garganta de rubí, Archilochus colubris, en las tierras non-reproductivas en la Provincia de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Abstracted in: Mesoamericana 12(3):163.
-- Slansky, F. and B. Hilton Jr. 2003. Distribution of the Bot Fly Cuterebra emasculator (Diptera: Cuterebridae) in South Carolina. Journal of Agricultural & Urban Entomology 20(2):83-91.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 2000 to present. This Week at Hilton Pond. An on-going weekly series of original photo essays published electronically on the Web site for Hilton Pond Center.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 2003. The amazing woodpecker tongue. Bluebird 25(4):18-19.
Hilton Jr., B. and M.W. Miller. 2003. Annual survival and recruitment in a Ruby-throated hummingbird population, excluding the effect of transient individuals. Condor 105:54-62.
-- Wagner, S., S. Stegenga, and B. Hilton Jr. 2002. First breeding records for Tree Swallows in South Carolina. Chat 66(4):145-148.
Hilton Jr., B. 1999. Don't neglect waterways. The Herald, Rock Hill SC.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1997-99. The Learning Garden. (A series of garden and nature columns that appeared in Senior Directions, a monthly publication in Charlotte NC.)
Hilton Jr., B. 1996. Animal colors. South Carolina Wildlife 43(4):10-15.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1995. Field trip: Woods Ferry Recreation Area. South Carolina Wildlife 42(5):44-47.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1995. Backyard bird habitat: Last haven for Neotropical migrants? In: Bringing Back the Birds. Smithsonian Press, Washington, DC.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1995. Field Trip: Lake Ashwood. South Carolina Wildlife 42(4):44-47.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1995. First bandings of Connecticut Warblers (Oporornis agilis) in South Carolina. Abstracted In: Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Columbia, South Carolina. 57:112.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1995. Hidden treasures: Rocks and minerals of the South Carolina Piedmont. South Carolina Wildlife 42(2):34-36.
-- Hilton Jr., B. (ed.). 1995. Course Registration: An Illustrated Guide to Tech Prep and Block Scheduling. York Comprehensive High School and Floyd D. Johnson Vocational Center, York, South Carolina.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1994. Variety--The price of life: South Carolina biodiversity. South Carolina Wildlife 41(6):36-39.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1994. Red-tailed hawks. South Carolina Wildlife 41(5):48-49.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1994. Carpodacus finches in South Carolina's Piedmont: Migration, site fidelity, sex ratios, and longevity. North American Bird Bander 19(1):1-11.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1994. Twelve years of bird-banding in South Carolina's Piedmont: An update. Abstracted In: Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Columbia, South Carolina. 56:82-83.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1994. Migration of ruby-throated hummingbirds. WildBird 8(5)42-45.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1993. Bird banding at Hilton Pond: Monitoring and managing for Neotropical migrants in South Carolina's Piedmont region. Abstracted In: Smith. W.P., ed. Proceedings of the 4th meeting of the Southwest Management Working Group, Partners in Flight. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-95. New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, p. 10.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1993. Nature's foresters. WildBird. 7(9):40-43.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1993. Earth-keeping goes high-tech. South Carolina Wildlife 40(3)34-39.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1993. Amphibian acrobats. South Carolina Wildlife 40(2):6-10.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1993. Hot spots for birds. South Carolina Wildlife 40(2):40-47.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The ninety-second Audubon Christmas bird count (G.S. LeBaron et al, eds.) American Birds 46(4): 709.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. York-Rock Hill, SC. In: The ninety-second Audubon Christmas bird count (G.S. LeBaron et al, eds.) American Birds 46(4): 713.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. Elegant waders. South Carolina Wildlife 39(6):6-10.
Shuman, J.C. and B. Hilton Jr. 1992. Reflections on Science Education: A Focus Group panel with Delegates to the 1992 National Youth Science Camp. National Youth Science Foundation, Charleston, West Virginia. 28 pp.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. A whale of a tale. South Carolina Wildlife 39(5):32-33.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. Field Trip: Poinsett State Park. South Carolina Wildlife 39(3):50-53.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. First bandings of Connecticut Warblers (Oporornis agilis) in South Carolina. Chat 56(2):32-34.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. Bogs & bays & ponds. In: Wetlands-magic lands. South Carolina Wildlife 39(1):58-77.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. Boisterous blue jays. WildBird 6(2):28-31.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. Birder's guide to Huntington Beach State Park, South Carolina. WildBird 6(1):40-45.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1992. Tool-making and tool-using by a Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum). Chat 56(1):4-5.
Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The ninety-first Audubon Christmas bird count (G.S. LeBaron et al, eds.) American Birds 45(4): 717.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Mythical, mystical owls. South Carolina Wildlife 38(6):32-39.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Bird-banding basics. WildBird 5(10):56-59.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. What to do if you find a banded bird. WildBird 5(10):58.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. The history of bird banding. WildBird 5(10):59.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Field Trip: Eastatoe Creek Heritage Preserve. South Carolina Wildlife 38(5):50-53.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Trails from rails. South Carolina Wildlife 38(4):44-49.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Lyme disease: Birds, ticks, and people. WildBird 5(8):20-23.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Carpodacus finches in South Carolina's Piedmont: Migration, site fidelity, sex ratios, and longevity. Abstracted In: Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Columbia, South Carolina. 53:66.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1991. Four-season state. In: Carolina all outdoors. South Carolina Wildlife 38(1):58-79.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1990. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The ninetieth Audubon Christmas bird count (G.S. LeBaron et al, eds.) American Birds 44(4): 708.
-- Belthoff, J. R., S. A. Gauthreaux Jr., and B. Hilton Jr. 1990. Breeding ranges of Carpodacus finches wintering in South Carolina. Chat 54(3):61-62.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1990. Telling nature's secrets . . . The interpretive naturalist at work. South Carolina Wildlife 37(5):12-15.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1990. Field Trip: Jones Gap State Park. South Carolina Wildlife 37(5):50-53.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1990. Field Trip: Sugarloaf Mountain. South Carolina Wildlife 37(3):50-53.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1990. Sex ratios in Piedmont South Carolina ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris). Abstracted In: Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Columbia, South Carolina. 52:63-64.
-- Hilton Jr., B. and K.A. Jones. 1990. The National Youth Science Foundation's Current and Proposed Programs for Outstanding Science Students and Teachers (revised 1991). National Youth Science Foundation, Charleston, West Virginia.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1989. Field Trip: Kings Mountain State Park. South Carolina Wildlife 36(5):50-53.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1989. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-ninth Audubon Christmas bird count (G.S. LeBaron et al, eds.) American Birds 43(4): 814.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1989. Two methods for capturing tree-nesting birds at nests. North American Bird Bander 14(2):47-48.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1989. Frank L. Hoskins Jr. (1919-1976). Studies in Short Fiction 25(4):395-396.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1988. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-eighth Audubon Christmas bird count (S. R. Drennan et al., eds.) American Birds 42(4):770.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1988. Six years of bird-banding in South Carolina's Piedmont. Abstracted In: Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Columbia, South Carolina. 50:93-94.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1987. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-seventh Audubon Christmas bird count (S. R. Drennan et al., eds.) American Birds 41(4):830-837.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1987. The Piedmont Naturalist, Vol. I--1986. Hilton Pond Press, York, South Carolina. 120 pp.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1987. Bird Banding: Experiencing the Scientific Method. South Carolina Department of Education Dissemination Grant Program, Columbia, South Carolina. 24 pp.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1987. Sexing birds by laparotomy: Some cautionary remarks. Abstracted In: Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science, Columbia, South Carolina. 49:74-75.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1986-89. Piedmont Naturalist. (A series of 183 weekly natural history columns that first appeared in April 1986 in The Herald, a daily newspaper in Rock Hill, SC. Illustrated with original color photos or line drawings by the author, it has also been carried by The Hartsville Messenger, Hartsville, SC, and in The York Observer, Rock Hill, SC.)
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1986. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-sixth Audubon Christmas bird count (T. Leukering et al., eds.) American Birds 40(4):750.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1985. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-fifth Audubon Christmas bird count (S.R. Drennan et al., eds.) American Birds 39(4):560.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1985. First spring record of Western Kingbird [Tyrannus verticalis] from South Carolina Piedmont. Chat 49(2):46-47.
-- Hilton Jr., B. and R. Askins. 1984. Birds of the Twin Cities Region. (Revised from A.W. Dodge, et al.) Bell Museum of Natural History, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 32 pp.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1984. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-fourth Audubon Christmas bird count (M.A. Rubega et al., eds.). American Birds 38(4):566-567.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1983. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-third Audubon Christmas bird count (L.H. Heilbrun et al., eds.). American Birds 37(4):538.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1983. Predation at banding stations in Anoka County, Minnesota. Loon 55(1):9-11.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1982. Bewick's Wren in Ramsey County (photo). Loon 54(3):187.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1982. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-second Audubon Christmas bird count (L.H. Heilbrun et al., eds.). American Birds 36(4):530.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1981. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eighty-first Audubon Christmas bird count (L.H. Heilbrun et al., eds.). American Birds 35(4):501.
-- Hilton Jr., B. and J. Vesall. 1981. Breeding behavior of Blue Jays. Bird Watcher's Digest 3(5):64-68.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1980. Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, SC. In: The eightieth Audubon Christmas bird count (L.H. Heilbrun et al., eds.). American Birds 34(4):463-464.
-- Hilton Jr., B. and J. Vesall. 1980. A preliminary report on the breeding behavior of the Blue Jay [Cyanocitta cristata] in Anoka County, Minnesota. Loon 52(4):146-149.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1979. Bird life of a farm in Piedmont South Carolina. Chat 43(3):49-51.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1979. Snotbirds [Genus Taintaves]: New genera and species disputed. Carolina Bird Club Newsletter 25(1):2.
-- Hilton Jr., B. 1971. The woods in winter. South Carolina Magazine 35(2):8-11.

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Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is a non-profit research & education organization in York, South Carolina USA; phone (803) 684-5852. Directed by Bill Hilton Jr., aka The Piedmont Naturalist, it is the parent organization for Operation RubyThroat. Contents of this website--including articles and photos--may NOT be duplicated, modified, or used in any way except with the express written permission of Hilton Pond Center. All rights reserved worldwide. To obtain permission for use or for further assistance on accessing this Web site, contact the Webmaster.