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BELIZE OVERVIEW Based upon 18 very successful expeditions in 2004-2012 to Costa Rica, Belize, and Guatemala, Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History--in conjunction with Holbrook Travel--is again offering an exciting and educational field trip in 2013 to study Ruby-throated Hummingbirds on their wintering grounds in Belize. (NOTE: This expedition immediately follows one to Montibelli Reserve in western Nicaragua; participants may sign up for both trips at a reduced rate.) Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Archilochus colubris--which occur in 38 U.S. states and across southern Canada from March through October--are the most widely distributed hummingbird species. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center Belize, a Central American country the size of Massachusetts, is on the western edge of the Caribbean Sea (see map above) and is bordered to the north by Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and to the west and south by Guatemala. Formerly known as British Honduras, Belize is the only Latin American country in which English is the official language, although Creole and Spanish can also be heard. Guatemalans often claim Belize as part of their own country. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center Our nine-day expeditions will be based at Crooked Tree, a 19-square-mile island sanctuary managed by Belize Audubon Society. We'll stay at Bird's Eye View Lodge (above), about 35 miles north of Belize City. This lodge is used by many international tour companies because of its accommodations, excellent food, and proximity to outstanding Belizean nature locales. The air conditioned rooms have hot and cold running water, clean towels daily, private indoor toilets and showers, single and/or double beds, room fans, and screened windows. Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1984 to protect resident and migrant birds. The sanctuary includes a network of inland lagoons, swamps, and waterways (above right). During the dry season (i.e., when it's winter in North America), tens of thousands of birds congregate here, taking advantage of abundant food resources in the wetlands. Many Neotropical species find a safe resting spot prior to spring migration back to the U.S. and Canada. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center Multiple habitats in the Crooked Tree area provide food and homes for diverse fauna. Within logwood swamps roost Boat-billed and Chestnut-bellied Herons and Bare-throated Tiger-Herons, while Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks and Muscovy Ducks nest in nearby trees. Snail Kites, feeding almost exclusively on Apple Snails, occur in the lagoon; hundreds of Snowy and Great Egrets fish along the shoreline (above); and five species of kingfishers--along with Ospreys and Black-collared Hawks--dive toward the water for fish. Black Creek with its large trees provides a home for Guatemalan Black Howler Monkeys, Morelet's Crocodiles, Coatimundi, and several species of turtles and iguanas. Two pairs of Jabiru storks (below)--among the largest flying birds in the New World with a wing span of 10-12 feet--are known to nest in the vicinity. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center Within the sanctuary is the village of Crooked Tree (pop. 595), established during the Belizean logwood era. Easy accessibility by boat allowed Crooked Tree to become one of the country's first inland towns. Until 1983 it was still reachable only by boats traveling up Belize River and Black Creek; a 3-1/2 mile causeway now connects the village with the Northern Highway. Crooked Tree is at low altitude, about 130 feet above sea level. Temperatures are mild to warm, peaking at 90 degrees with mostly sunny days expected during our stay in mid-March--the tropical dry season when humidity is lower than 80%. Occasional days that are overcast are quite comfortable with temperatures in the mid-70s. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center Birders annually observe numbers of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds feeding on abundant flowering Cashew trees (above) in early to mid-March. These trees grow tall but sometimes fall over in loose soil, meaning we are able to capture hummers in ground-level mist nets. We'll also try to catch ruby-throats in special traps baited with sugar water feeders, especially back at the lodge itself. Traps are selective but mist nets are not, so we'll undoubtedly net and band other North American migrants such as Baltimore Orioles (adult male, below)--plus get chances to photograph exotic, non-migratory tropical species in-the-hand. Belize is host to 26 hummingbird species, some of which we are likely to catch in addition to ruby-throats. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center We will spend mornings observing and trying to catch hummingbirds, usually stopping about noon when we quit for the day. We can't rule out the possibility of some afternoon or evening banding sessions that replace or supplement our morning work. In any case, participants will have sufficient time to eat, rest, and explore Crooked Tree's biological diversity. Trips are open to ANY adult interested in studying and reporting observations of hummingbirds in Belize (and--after the trip--in the the rest of Central America, Mexico, Canada, and/or the U.S.). You do NOT have to be an experienced birder or scientist or have advanced training; we will teach you everything you need to know to participate in the project. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center Because making you a hummingbird bander is NOT the purpose of this particular trip, you will not actually be banding birds or removing them from nets. However, you WILL be involved in every other way: Handling and releasing multiple hummers (above) and other colorful tropical birds, deploying mist nets and traps, collecting and recording data, making valuable field observations, photographing flora and fauna, etc. You will NOT be disappointed! Our 2013 expedition to the Belizean wintering grounds of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds is scheduled for 27 February thru 7 March. After reading the itinerary and requirements below, please contact Debbie Sturdivant at Holbrook Travel (1-866-748-6146) if you have any questions about enrolling and/or to request enrollment forms. Register early to guarantee you can participate! BELIZE ITINERARY HIGHLIGHTS
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center BELIZE EDUCATIONAL CONNECTIONS
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center BELIZE ACTIVE ADVENTURES
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center --DETAILED ITINERARY for BELIZE--
DAY 1: February 27--Arrival, Crooked Tree & Bird's Eye View Lodge
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 2: February 28--Crooked Tree & Day of Discovery
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 3: March 1--Crooked Tree & Altun Ha
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 4: March 2--Crooked Tree & Community Baboon Sanctuary
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 5: March 3--"Hump Day" at Crooked Tree
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 6: March 4--Crooked Tree & Belize City & Butterfly Ranch
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 7: March 5--Crooked Tree & Belize Zoo
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 8: March 6--Crooked Tree
All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center DAY 9: March 7--Bird's Eye View Lodge & Departure
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE The main purpose of any Operation RubyThroat expedition to the Neotropics is to learn about Ruby-throated Hummingbird "winter" behavior; thus, your active participation in making daily observations and collecting data is critical to the trip's success. A working pair of good binoculars is the only required equipment. We expect you to take initiative, carry your share of the load, and listen to and follow instructions carefully. We also expect you to look out for each other's needs and to be considerate of the hummingbirds we work with. We will have many wonderful and enjoyable experiences together, but this is NOT a pleasure trip--even though you'll have plenty of free time and are certain to have fun. All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center If you are NOT willing to work hard in the field all week and follow the expedition's research and education goals, this is not a trip for you; we NEED your help and our success will depend on you. Days typically involve early through late-morning field activity under warm to hot conditions and after-supper meetings, with most afternoons open for you to do as you wish. Scheduled activities are subject to change due to weather or to take advantage of unexpected learning and research opportunities, but we'll do everything we can to make sure we offer all non-research activities described above. BELIZE EXPEDITION LEADERS BILL HILTON JR. (below left), internationally known educator-naturalist, was twice named South Carolina Science Teacher of the Year and was honored as the state's Outstanding Biology Teacher. In 1998, The Charlotte Observer named him a Carolinas "Guardian of the Environment" for a lifetime of trend-setting work in conservation and environmental education. Hilton is executive director of Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History. As principal investigator for "Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project," he received a 42-month grant from the National Science Foundation to integrate Operation RubyThroat with The GLOBE Program. Since 1982, Hilton has banded more than 58,000 birds at Hilton Pond, including 4,700-plus Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Hilton taught in Rock Hill and Fort Mill SC high schools, and at the University of Minnesota, St. Olaf College, and Winthrop University. He helped start the residential South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics in Hartsville, which he served as biology instructor and director of student research. Hilton is a nationally sought-after speaker on diverse natural history topics. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Newberry College, which he served as president of the Alumni Association. In this role, he organized a major international symposium on John Bachman, founder of Newberry College and a contemporary of John James Audubon. Hilton earned a Master of Arts in Biology Teaching from Winthrop University, and a Master of Science in Ecology & Behavioral Biology from the University of Minnesota, where he conducted a four-year field study of the behavioral ecology of Blue Jays, Cyanocitta cristata. For a complete resume, see his Biographical Sketch.
2013 BELIZE LAND PROGRAM COST: --Rates are based on: Double occupancy with a full roster of 12 participants and subject to increase with fewer participants. (Although any participant may select a single room for an additional $325, we recommend doubling as part of the community experience.) Belize is more expensive than other Central American countries, but the overall experience offered by our trip is well worth it. --Participants must be: At least 21 years of age by the time the trip begins, and willing and able to participate in field work and all education and research activities. (Special consideration may be given on a case-by-case basis for college students and for advanced, mature senior high school students accompanied by a parent. We also can offer a full week in Central America for a class of 12-14 responsible high school or college students almost any time between November and late February; the sponsoring teacher earns a FREE trip. Please contact us for details.) --Each participant must: Bring and know how to use a decent pair of binoculars with which to make field observations. Sharing binoculars doesn't work. --Participants must be: In good physical & mental health and able to walk at slow to moderate pace for short distances (usually less than a half mile) over mostly level terrain at the study site, --Program cost includes: All in-country transportation; accommodations; meals; expert local guide during excursions; learning activities and field trips; and Operation RubyThroat instructional materials, as stated above. --Program cost does not include: Meals, if any, away from the hotel; any additional optional activities not described above; non-mealtime beverages or snacks; estimated $30 departure tax; or optional graduate credit costs. (Please note that because of difficulty with international connections and depending on your point of origin, it may be necessary for you to spend an extra night traveling to and/or from Belize.) --Payment policy: To confirm your space, send a $200 deposit per person to Holbrook Travel along with your enrollment form(s); deposit is due on or before 30 October 2012. We suggest early deposit to guarantee your space. Each deposit is refundable minus a $100 processing fee if cancellation is received by 24 November 2012; there will be no refunds for cancellations after that date. Final payment of $2,095 is due on 24 November 2012. NOTE: New enrollees may be accepted as late as early February only if space is still available. (We STRONGLY advise inexpensive third-party trip insurance to cover unexpected circumstances that could cause you to cancel after your final payment is made; such insurance can also cover flight delays and related land transportation, in-country medical care, etc.) --Pre-trip activities: We will communicate with you frequently via e-mail in the weeks leading up to your trip. You'll also receive suggested readings and resources that will enhance your trip experience. We anticipate you will study and learn all important information related to the trip's research goals. --Optional graduate credit: Contact Holbrook Travel's Debbie Sturdivant for information about how to apply and pay for graduate credit through University of the Pacific. You may also elect to work with your local college to earn credit there. K-12 educators may file for continuing education credits. --Tax deductions: Because Operation RubyThroat expeditions are service projects in support of the non-profit Hilton Pond Center, an estimated $400 of your fees should be tax-deductible on your 2012 tax forms. Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History and Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project expeditions are non-profit trips offered as outreach activities through which we learn more about winter behavior of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. If you're interested in making a separate contribution to the Center and/or Operation RubyThroat, please see Supporting the Work of Hilton Pond Center. After reading the information above, contact Debbie Sturdivant at Holbrook Travel by E-mail or phone (1-866-748-6146) if you have any questions about enrolling and/or to request enrollment forms. You can also ENROLL ON-LINE. See you in Belize! Adult female Ruby-throated Hummingbird (above), All text, maps & photos © Hilton Pond Center For complete reports on all of Operation RubyThroat's successful Neotropical Hummingbird Banding Expeditions, please visit
JOIN OPERATION RUBYTHROAT FOR 2013 To register contact Debbie Sturdivant at Holbrook Travel toll-free at (866) 748-6146 Multi-trip discounts are available as we move northward in Central America, following Ruby-throated Hummingbirds while they prepare for and embark on spring migration. Information, maps, pricing, and day-by-day itineraries for additional trips are linked from: Follow The Hummingbirds North. |
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